Thursday, June 16, 2011


Photo by Michael Pelzer
I have always been a downtown kind of guy, perhaps because I grew up in the small Northern Ontario town of Chapleau where  Main Street was the place to be if you wanted to be at the centre of community life. 
So, I decided to call this blog The Mainstreeter, even though I may wander from time to time into the suburbs and elsewhere.

When I founded Michael J Morris Reports my plan was to write on all manner and sorts of things as they appealed to me. However, over time, Michael J Morris Reports evolved into stories primarily about Chapleau, so here is my new attempt to share stories with you from my vantage point of being a Mainstreeter, wherever I happen to be.

I will continue Michael J Morris Reports with the focus on Chapleau and other "stuff" but I now have the opportunity to visit other Main Streets, and report from them.

Before we get rolling let me explain PERSIATS + G! which has been a guideline for me all my writing life, and is something I try to use as a guideline, no matter the issue.

Fifty years ago now I took a course in American history from Dr Charles W Paape, and he used the formula to put history into perspective. All elements of it are in every event to a greater or lesser degree.

For example, an election is a political event of course -- but it is also about economics, religion, social life, intellectual life (education), the arts, science and technology, and the "G" is geography - the place where it happens.  Metaphorically, it all happens on Main Street in the village where we live.

I have always been indebted to Dr Paape for his formula as I have used it time and time again.

And. yes, before you ask, I really enjoyed Main Street by Sinclair Lewis, and to this day chuckle about some of his characters. I have met some of them on Main Street.

I hope you will join me on Main Street.

Here is a video of downtown Orlando, Florida, shot by my good friend Michael Pelzer of Uneek Luxury Tours.  Michael took me on a tour. It is a fascinating place. My email is


  1. I do like your blog and where it seems to be going...however the pic is quite unlike any mainstreet in my part of rural Canada. Congrats on a fine idea and look forward to reading more,

  2. Michael, I look forward to your columns.


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