Monday, October 10, 2016

Joel Vinge shares special meaning of 1937 Ford

Joel Vinge, a founding member of the Friday Morning Coffee Club and well-known Cranbrook entertainer, volunteer andsinger in choirs, and other groups, shared photos of the 1937 Ford which has a special meaning for him.
Joel tells us the story: "Last week the three of us (the car - 1937 Ford, my identical twin Dave Sindholt and me) all born in 1937 got together to take these pictures. 

"The car, owned by brother, Dave Carter, of one of our neighbours, Louise, was visiting from Whiterock.

"Dave Sindholt was born in Ontario the same day I was born at Sec. 12, Tp. 47 Rnge. 19, W2nd, Saskatchewan. Oldness does have some perks!

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

How about that dashboard!!!

PS... If any readers have memories or stories/pics about old cars, please feel free to contaact me... My email is and I am on Facebook.

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